
Rules & Regulations.

Admittedly, Leviticus and Numbers are challenging texts to trudge through, particularly if you read them through in isolation.  Metaphorically, Leviticus and Numbers are like having a plate full of spinach to eat—so, I encourage you to read those texts along with gospel passage and a psalm, it’s like a well mixed green salad with a...



In the Gospel of Matthew, we get the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah and the birth story in Chapter 1; Chapter 2 includes the visit from the Wise and the Escape to Egypt;  Chapter 3 takes us to the river for the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.   Then in Chapter 4, Jesus begins...


God’s Mercies are New EVERYDAY

I pray that today, in the midst of the overwhelming flood of chaos that we are experiencing, above all else, you will experience God's rescue, God's salvation, God's grace, God's mercy and God's unfailing love.