Counting Hairs

Nestled in Matthew Chapter 10 is a concept or characteristic about God, our heavenly parent, that is sometimes overlooked, but defintiely worth noting. 

God is a “hair counter.” 

Every morning, when my brother and I were growing up, before we would head out the door to meet the school bus, my father would stand us in front of the bathroom mirror, put either Vitalas or Brylcreem in our hair, take a comb, carefully put a part on the right side of our scalp and comb our hair in place.  Sure, he had some concern about our appearance, but appearance was secondary.   These fleeting moments each morning standing in front of the bathroom mirror with our Dad was quality time; he was caring for us in a way that only a father can.

His eyes were upon us; one hand was on our shoulder while the other hand was combing our hairs in place.   I don’t have specific memory of any words he said to us while he was combing our hair, but as me and my brother were squirming about anxious to get on with our day, I’m confident he shared parental wisdom.  “Don’t pick a fight with any body.”  “Be respectful to your teacher.”  “Pay attention in class.”  “Ken, watch out for your little brother.” “You boys, behave today.” 

Matthew 10:24-11:6 recounts a moment in the life of Christ and his disciples.   Christ is offering them instructions, ways to be and behave in the world.   And in the middle of that text, Jesus interjects these words: “Not even a sparrow, worth only half a penny, can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.  And the very hairs on your head are all numbered.  So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to him than a whole flock of sparrows.”

God is a “Hair counter.”  And that means our Heavenly Parent cares for us infinitely more deeply than we can understand or imagine. 

In a Roman culture where socio-economiic status was the measure of someone’s worth;  in a culture where the Jewish people were considered second-class citizens and more thought of as property to be owned and oppressed than peolple—Jesus takes the one item that is seemingly the least valuable item in culture (a lowly sparrow, not even worth half a penny) and tells his disciples, that sparrow is so valuable to the Divine Creator that not even one of them falls to ground without the Father knowing it.  

The original Greek actually says it this way, “the sparrow does not fall to the ground APART from your father.”

The original communicates a much stronger relationship between the Father and the Sparrow than just “having knowledge” of it.   Whatever happens to that sparrow does not happen apart from the Father.”    There is a connection; there is a knowledge, there is an understanding, there is a relationship, there is a caring that is unmatched, and unrivaled.  

In essence, whatever happens to that little sparrow happens to God.

Jesus then says, if God cares for that little sparrow, who is seemingly worthless, in such an intimate and magnificent manner, how much more does God care for and value you.   So much so, that God numbers the hairs on your head!

My friends, take joy in knowing that your heavenly parent is so connected to you that anything that happens to you happens to God.   God is a hair-counter and that should make us exceedingly glad in this materialistic culture.    (As I grow older there are less hairs to count on the top of my head, but God counts them nonetheless).

My friend, you matter.  You are valuable.   God cares deeply about every ounce of your being and everything that occurs in your life.  Take heart.  This is indeed good news!