
Talk Less About Jesus

“SERIOUSLY?”  By three o’clock that Sunday afternoon, I had reread the text message half a dozen times.  Each time, discouragement shrouded me like a well-fitted pall expertly knitted together with strong cords of anger. I knew the words were well-intended, but having them appear on the screen of my phone that particular Sunday shook my...

In the Shadows

In the Shadows

Each evening, just before the sun fades behind the clouds, I sit on the back step and watch the shadows overtake the space. As the light fades and the shadows take over, the cicada begin to stir and their song becomes violently loud. At the same time, the frogs and toads in the nearby pond start their nightly calls. An owl hoots in the distance, the sky splashes red to pink and the night symphony of shadow sounds begin to fill the air.

Charlotte Is Thirsty

Charlotte Is Thirsty

I had the awesome opportunity of engaging in conversation with a dear friend this week. Our conversations are deep and insightful and theological. This dear friend makes me think broader and deeper about issues that appear to be, on the surface, simple. As we gathered our thoughts this week around a blog series that I've been asked to curate for Next Church, my friend shared an obvious observation. As she and her husband drive around our growing city, they realize that Charlotte is thirsty.