
Count ’em

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."


Foolish Arguments

Proclaiming the "truth" without exhibiting the transformative power of the truth in our lives only proves us to be hypocrites.



What kind of clothes are we wearing? (not your clothes, but your CLOTHES) I am keenly aware that it is becoming more and more difficult to tell the Christ-followers in our society from the non Christ-followers. I grew up in a denomination where how you dressed and wore your hair was indicative of what church...


Can It Be This Simple?

So, I must admit that I am guilty. I find it easy to be caught up in the maddening maze of voices peddling hate and intolerance;  I find it natural to scream back and in doing so I escalate the volume and intensify the hate and intolerance.  It creates anxiety, causes stress, and frankly, makes...


A Few Things that Matter

What kind of clothes are we wearing? I am keenly aware that it is becoming more and more difficult to tell the Christ-followers in our society from the non Christ-followers. I grew up in a denomination where how you dressed and wore your hair was indicative of what church you attended.  I discovered, later in...


Lyrical Beauty

This week’s readings in the One Year Bible featured Psalm 85.  This Psalm is a beautiful song of trust and gratitude.  But nestled about half way through this particular song is two language-loaded and hope-filled verses: “Unfailing love and truth have met together.   Righteousness and peace have kissed! Truth springs up from the earth,and righteousness...


Patience with difficult people. Seriously?

I read these words in the 2nd Letter to Timothy this week:  “Again, I say, do not get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. The Lord’s servants must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone.” (2 Timothy 22:23-24a) Those words pricked my heart.  (Let me explain what I mean by “pricked my heart.” ...


There Is No Place Like Home

When Dorothy famously clicked the heels of her ruby red slippers and said, “There’s no place like home,” we all knew exactly what she meant. We knew it even if the actual house in which we were raised was anything but a home. Innate within our being and sown into the fabric of who we...

Fear Not!  Seriously, Fear Not!

Fear Not! Seriously, Fear Not!

“The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.  O taste and see that the LORD is good; happy are those who take refuge in the LORD.” Psalm 34:7-8 I remember as a child, my parents would kneel beside my bed with my brother and me saying our night time...